Falls Prevention Care Bundle: Measure compliance with Patient Falls A Key Performance Indicator and part of Nursing Metrics

Medical Audits quality and safety software system includes a complete falls prevention care bundle that records detailed analysis of each individual patient’s falls assessment and the interventions implemented to reduce each specific patient’s risk of falling while in your care.

As with all Medical Audit software systems, the data is available in real time on the audit devices AND on up to the minute digital dashboards, providing staff with feedback as soon as the audit is completed.

Immediate access to data means immediate interventions can be made to reduce risks identified and take actions to prevent falls.


Falls in healthcare settings affect between 13-32% of admitted patients and rates from 2.9 to13 falls per 1000 bed days have been reported.
They are the third most common reason for hospital bed occupancy, and up to 30% of falls in healthcare settings are thought to result in injury.

Falls are estimated to cost the NHS more than £2.3 billion per year. Therefore falling has an impact on quality of life, health and healthcare costs


In the past falls prevention strategies were based on the premise that everyone was given the same falls prevention interventions.

However, research has shown that a more effective falls prevention strategy is tailored to the needs of the individual patient, based on their individual risks.

This starts with identifying risk factors that can be modified and then progresses to coordinating appropriate preventative action.

Falls risk assessment tools in hospitals have resulted in minor reductions in inpatient falls and, at worst, no reduction on harmful falls, whereas falls prevention programmes, which use an integrated whole-systems approach that includes both risk assessments and interventions, are thought to reduce the incidence of falls by up to 25%.


Preventing harm from falls is considered a key performance indicator of nursing care in many organisations and nursing metrics as well as care bundles have been developed to not only monitor the care provided but also to evidence the care given and interventions put in place to reduce risks of falls.


There are numerous ways to reduce the risk or prevent falls in hospital and like hand hygiene the more multi factorial interventions work best.

Firstly all patients over 65 are asked about falls and any they might have had in the past immediately on admission

Then there are two main interventions:-

The assessment needs to be completed in the patient’s chart and then updated if their condition changes during their stay.

From a litigation point of view, hospitals, nursing homes, residential care settings – in fact all areas where care is delivered - need proof that these actions took place. They need to demonstrate that falls prevention strategies are monitored in their organisation and that risks identified during falls risk assessments are actioned.


All patients and residents over 65 are considered at risk of a fall and need an assessment carried out.

Those between 50-64 need an assessment if they have condition that increases their risk of falling – such as if they have Parkinsons Disease or use a mobility aid.


A fall is defined as an unexpected event in which a person comes to rest on the ground, floor, or lower level.

Using Medical Audits Technology System to capture compliance with Falls prevention strategies saves hours of time double entering data and makes the audit process faster and more efficient.

a clean environment is a key component of infection prevention programmes. keeping patients free from harm

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