Medical Audits Healthcare Product Range
✔ Auditing solutions for HSE facilities and HSE hospitals
✔ Training in Infection Prevention and Control for Department of Health staff
✔ Cleaning Standards auditing systems for HSE hospitals
✔ Fully flexible tools to meet your Healthcare Needs
✔ Huge range of Clinical Audits for Nursing and Medical staff
✔ NHS National cleaning standard processes
✔ Estates and facilities auditing solutions
✔ Bespoke audit development solutions
Medical Audits Provide HSE Solutions
Risk management and quality assurance are key to driving improvements in standards of care regardless of the healthcare provider.
Whether your organisation is a HSE hospital or HSE community care team or indeed a private hospital group, the need for Key Performance Indicators and auditing systems to evidence compliance is an essential part of your quality improvement programme.
Real-time, dependable, accurate audit data gives your healthcare facility visibility on the risks and issues that need your attention in your organisation and provide evidence of the high quality care and services you provide.
Medical Audits provide a unique range of audit and quality assurance systems second to none.
At Medical Audits, our highly advanced, scalable and flexible audit and Quality Assurance platform gives our HSE hospitals and healthcare providers the auditing tools and real time data to help them identify solutions that will increase their efficiency and the improve the quality of their performance.
We work in partnership with HSE healthcare providers such as hospitals, care homes, Disability services and companies with HSE contracts, continuously designing and developing bespoke solutions to meet their auditing and commissioning needs.
In consultation with Medical Audits training division, we developed a train the trainer programme to suit our specific needs and resources.
As hygiene services co-ordinator, I can say this course comes highly recommended . We realise the outcome of the training will have a hugely positive impact on cleaning services and the standard of cleaning throughout the whole hospital.
As hygiene services co-ordinator, I can say this course comes highly recommended . We realise the outcome of the training will have a hugely positive impact on cleaning services and the standard of cleaning throughout the whole hospital.
We found the whole experience fabulous and everyone really enjoyed the expertly delivered mix of laughter, real life examples and best practice standards in the learning process

Ann White
Hygiene Services Co-ordinator
Sligo University Hospital
Saolta University Health Care Group
Testimonial relating to a train the trainer programme on cleaning standards for hospital cleaning staff
Medical Audits provide solutions to the Irish Health Service
The Health Service Executive (HSE) employs over 100,000 people, whose jobs are to run all of the public health services in hospitals and communities in Ireland.
These services are provided by 7 hospital groups and 9 community healthcare organisations whose aim it is to deliver high quality safe, effective care for all residents in Ireland.
The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) are an independent authority in Ireland who report, under Irish Legislation, to the Minister for Health and the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs.
HIQA’s main aim is to ensure safe effective care, safeguarding service users and staff by assessing, licencing and guiding organisations to provide a safe and quality services where ever care is delivered.