Measure compliance with an Antimicrobial Stewardship Programmes. Play Your Part in Reducing Antibiotic Resistance

START SMART, then FOCUS Audit Bundles help you ensure safe antibiotic prescribing


Internationally healthcare providers are expected to comply with standards and guidelines that are aimed to reduce the risk of healthcare associated infections (HAI).

An antibiotic stewardship programme is a key component in the reduction of HAI and a requirement for meeting standards for Infection Prevention and Control Internationally.

Antibiotic Guardian

Using Medical Audits TS+ auditing system for antimicrobial stewardship will help you monitor compliance with your antibiotic prescribing policy and evidence compliance for clinical governance assurance


In England, antimicrobial stewardship is one of the 10 components of the Health and Social Care Act (2008) and as such is monitored by the care quality commission (CQC) as part of their licencing and registration of healthcare facilities.


In Ireland, the National Standards for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare Associated Infections (HIQA, 2009) include antimicrobial stewardship programmes as a core component of IPC programmes in hospitals. These standards are monitored by the health information and quality authority as part of their accreditation and licencing programme.


In Wales a national audit of antibiotic prescribing supports the Health Protection Agency (HPA) guidelines and the implementation of the All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG) National Prescribing Indicators 2013–2014.


Scotland’s programme for reducing antimicrobial resistance has been established for a number of years and focuses on improved antibiotic prescribing, timely review of antibiotic choice and ongoing auditing of practice all of which have been successful in reducing antibiotic consumption across Scotland.

Central to all Antibiotic Stewardship Programmes is the Necessity to Clinically Review Patients on Antimicrobial Therapy, Audit Practice and Provide Education and Feedback. However, Organisations must also Evidence Compliance for Licencing, Accreditation and Commissioning.

As with all Medical Audits’ systems, the data is available in real time on the audit devices AND on up to the minute digital dashboards, providing staff with feedback as soon as the audit is completed.

More Antimicrobial Information

Key Benefits

Medical Audits TS+ antimicrobial monitoring and surveillance system applies lean auditing processes that save hours of time and make the actual audit process itself faster and more efficient

Using Medical Audits Mobile Auditing systems to measure, monitor and manage your antimicrobial stewardship programmes can save time and create huge efficiencies as well as helping you provide safer patient care.

Antimicrobial Pharmacists play a key role in the monitoring and in the measurement of antibiotic prescribing practice. Auditing of prescribing practice is essential to highlight areas needing improvements and to provide evidence of compliance for licensing and commissioning bodies.

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