Medical Audits - Supporting England’s ‘Health and Social Care Act, and code of practice for infection prevention (DH, 2010)

Ensuring Quality Care for All – “Medical Audits supports the Plan Do Check Act Cycle”

Health care organisations in the UK

All health care organisations in the UK are required to comply with national statutory or Regulatory standards for infection prevention and control.

In England, the Health and Social Care Act, 2012 introduced a statutory requirement for the management of infection prevention and control. This lead to the Code of Practice (DH, 2010).

Care providers in England are required to meet (or even exceed) the code. They must assess their own compliance with internal audits and this is followed up by external audits from regulatory bodies such as the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Medical Audits TS+ auditing system assists with internal audits by ensuring all the relevant standards are included in our auditing systems. Our systems help identify elements that need to be targeted and improved to ensure ‘high quality care for all’

Auditing Care Bundles – Management of Invasive devices

TS+ Intravenous device care bundles are EPIC 3 compliant and designed to ensure you can monitor practice in a standardised way.

Feedback of results is instant – on the auditing devices, on real time digital dashboards and via our web based management and reporting system.

Medical Audits TS+ ensures you can evidence compliance with England’s IV device care bundles and urinary catheter care bundles (High impact interventions) and provide safe and effective use of invasive devices, such as peripheral venous catheters (PVCs) central venous catheters (CVCs) and Urinary Catheters.

Auditing Hand Hygiene

Medical audits TS+ hand hygiene auditing system provides touch screen mobile auditing solution for observation audit of the 5 Moments for hand hygiene.

The system supports the WHO 5 moments concept as well as bare below elbow and technique monitoring.

Supporting England’s ‘Clean your hands’ campaign and implementation of the WHO multi model strategy.

Auditing the Healthcare Environment

Medical Audits TS+ environmental audits include all the standards for monitoring England’s Health and Social Care Act, 2012. Our auditing system includes measurement and audit of all relevant outcomes

This includes auditing systems for Linen, Waste, Sharps, Patient equipment, environmental hygiene, cleaning standards, Isolation precautions and so much more.

All our systems are designed and developed specifically for mobile healthcare auditing – This is our specialist field and we have years of clinical experience that ensures we provide systems that meet the unique needs of healthcare.

Results are available on the auditing devices for immediate feedback.

Digital dashboards and specifically designed reports provide analysis to enable targeting of training and resources.

Medical Audits supply a range of the audits and care bundles that are based on the highest standards of care and the most up to date research – Helping you ensure your teams provide the highest quality care and providing you with the evidence for quality assurance.

Related Auditing Systems from Medical Audits

Our auditing system ensures a full cycle for identifying issues, highlighting areas for improvement, tracking and tracing actions taken and improving systems and processes.

Health And Social Care Act 2012

“Medical Audits auditing system meets all the criteria for auditing England’s Health and Social care standards (2012)”

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